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↵ Conditions General ICE has a special bicycle coach with racks for 8 bicycles. The bicycle spaces need to be reserved in advance. You need a ticket for your bicycle and a bicycle...
Conditions Each passenger may take the following luggage on board: two items of regular luggage such as a suitcase, rucksack, travel bag or trolley with maximum dimensions of 85 x 85 x 85 cm and one...
At all stations with NS gates, the gates have an integrated barcode and OV-chipkaart reader. They have a pictogram with ‘scan ticket’ on the right-hand door of the gate and a lit...
Conditions Only take luggage you can carry, load and unload yourself. Luggage must not obstruct others, so do not place any luggage in the aisles; store it in the racks/spaces provided for this. The...
General Unpacked bicycles can only be taken on Nightjet ÖBB Amsterdam Centraal ⇔ Basel SBB / Zürich or between Germany, Switzerland and Austria. There is a bicycle coach available on...
For each person travelling, hold the square barcode on the ticket against the lit panel on the right-hand side of the gates. The gates will open. Your fellow traveller can now enter or leave the...
Conditions Only take luggage you can easily carry and stow yourself. Luggage must not hinder other passengers. While Eurocity Direct / EuroCity has no maximum dimensions for luggage, everything...
Services ICE has first and second-class seats. While reservations are not compulsory outside summer season, they are recommended. On a journey with multiple reservable trains, the system charges €...
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Services There are first and second-class seats on Intercity Berlin. While reserving a seat is not compulsory outside of summer season, it is recommended. On a journey with multiple reservable...
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