Do I pay a service fee when I buy tickets?

Booking fee:
  • If you book your tickets online, you do not pay a service fee.
  • Do you buy your tickets at an NS International Service desk at the station or via NS International Customer Service on +31 30-2300023? The service fee is € 7.50 per person, with a maximum of € 22.50 per booking for three passengers or more. 
  • For tickets to destinations in Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany without (compulsory) seat reservation or for tickets that are only valid on a particular train and for a particular departure time, the fee is € 1.50 per person with a maximum of € 4.50 per booking for three passengers or more.
  • When buying a ticket via an NS ticket machine, the fee is € 1.50 per person.
  • Passengers with an impairment who have a OV-Begeleiderskaart do not pay any service fees.
Payment fee:
  • Payments with iDEAL, credit card, cash or debit card are free of charge.

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