French day trains (not TGVs) » Facilities on board
What facilities do French day trains provide (Intercité and TER)?
Accommodation and facilities differ by train. Please check the NS International journey planner beforehand.
In the journey advice, the journey planner provides concise information on:
Train type.
Reserving seats (required, recommended or not possible).
Composition of the train (first and/or second-class coaches).
Accessibility for wheelchair users.
Bicycle spaces (consult the SNCF journey planner for more comprehensive bicycle information).
Below is some general information on the facilities by train type.
Intercité de jour
First and second-class coach.
A distinction is made between trains for which you must make a reservation, and trains for which no reservation is required. Please see the journey planner.
Intercité à réservation obligatoire - IC ARO
Intercité sans réservation obligatoire - IC SRO
The majority of intercity trains have no bar coach, although IC ARO passengers can order a meal from SNCF in advance.
Passengers with a compulsory reservation can order a meal through the SNCF website up to 72 hours before departure (around € 15 per person).
You will also find baby-changing facilities in toilets suitable for wheelchairs.
Bicycle spaces: you can take an unpacked bicycle on a number of day trains. For more information, please see the journey planner (preferably the French one). A bicycle space can only be reserved with SNCF.