TGV French domestic traffic » General Information

What is TGV domestic traffic France
  • TGV French domestic traffic is a high-speed train running at a speed of around 320 km an hour between Paris and various destinations in France.
  • Examples of journey times:
    • Paris - Lille: 1 hour
    • Paris - Bordeaux: 3 hours
    • Paris - Marseille: 3 hours
    • Paris - Lyon: 2 hours
  • Departure and arrival stations in Paris are:
Paris station
TGV's to or from:
Paris (Gare du) Nord
London, the North of France, Belgium and The Netherlands
Paris (Gare) Montparnasse
Brittanny and South-West France Region (such as Lille, Brest or Bordeaux)
Paris (Gare de) Lyon
South and South-West France and Switzerland (such as Lyon, Avignon, Chambéry or Geneva)
Paris (Gare de l') Est
East France (such as Strasbourg and Metz)
Changing trains in Paris
  • If you are travelling from the Netherlands via Paris to a destination in France, you must almost always change in Paris from one to the other station. 
  • From the Netherlands you arrive at the Gare du Nord. Take the RER (metro) to the station where your TGV departs. You can purchase metro tickets in the Eurostar bar coach and on the stations in Paris.
  • For more information about changing trains from one station to another, visit our website.
  • We recommend calculating a minimum of 50 minutes for changing in Paris.
  • If you would prefer not to change stations in Paris, the trains below might be an option:
Seat map
  • In the attachment the seat maps of different types of TGV's. 
  • NSI is not aware what type of TGV (such as Duplex or TriCourant) runs on/at certain routes, dates and times.
Fare structure
  • The following applies to TGV tickets:
    • A seat reservation is compulsory and included in the ticket
    • The earlier you book, the more likely it is there will be inexpensive tickets available.
    • The lower the ticket price, the more conditions for exchanging and cancelling apply.
  • Ticket prices are variable and depend on the time of booking and how crowded the train is expected to be.
  • You can obtain the ticket price by entering your journey details on the 'Where would you like to go?' page of
  • Ouigo is a low-cost TGV running from Paris to various destinations in France.
  • NS International does not sell Ouigo tickets.
Access gates at TGV stations
  • For security reasons, access gates are installed on the platforms of the TGV stations listed below.  
  • Only passengers with a valid ticket can access the platforms, from 20 minutes prior to the train departing. Access to the train is no longer possible from two minutes prior to departure.
    • Aix-en-Provence TGV
    • Bordeaux St. Jean
    • Le Mans
    • Lyon Part-Dieu
    • Lyon Perrache
    • Marseille St. Charles
    • Nantes
    • Paris Gare de l'Est
    • Paris Gare de Montparnasse
    • Paris Gare du Nord
    • Paris Gare de Lyon
    • Paris Saint-Lazare
    • Rennes
    • St-Pierre-des-Corps
    • Tours
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