Do all gates have a barcode reader?

  • At all stations with NS gates, the gates have an integrated barcode and OV-chipkaart reader. They have a pictogram with ‘scan ticket’ on the right-hand door of the gate and a lit panel on the right-hand side of the gate. You can open these gates with the square barcode on your ticket.
    • Please note! We do not recommend scanning your international ticket as a PDF at the check-in gates. If you open the gate with the ticket as a PDF on your phone, there is a risk that the gates will not open or that you will pay € 20 because you will check in with your credit or debit card instead of your ticket. You can avoid this by printing out the ticket or scanning the barcode from the NS International App after you have imported your ticket into the app.
      • If you have accidentally checked in with your credit or debit card, you can correct this via the Travel history of OVPay.

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