I am travelling with other people on one NS International ticket. How do we pass through the gates?

  • Are you travelling with a homeprint-ticket?
    Then your fellow traveler passes through the gates by holding the square barcode on the passage ticket you received against the lit panel to the right of the gates. The gates will open. Your travelling companion can now enter or leave the station. You open the gates using the square barcode on your homeprint-ticket.
  • Are you travelling with a mobile ticket?
    Send the email confirmation on to your fellow traveller. You should both import the mobile ticket into the NS International app. Both of you open the gates by holding the square barcode on the mobile ticket against the lit panel to the right of the gates. If the email confirmation has not been sent, hold the barcode against the lit panel to the right of the gates for your fellow traveller and the gates will open. Your fellow traveller can now enter or leave the station. You will be the last person to pass through the gates.
  • Are you travelling with a paper ticket?
    Then your fellow traveller passes through the gates by holding the square barcode on the KeyCard you received against the lit panel to the right of the gates The gates will open. Your fellow traveller can now enter or leave the station. You open the gates using the square barcode on the paper ticket.
  • Do you need a KeyCard but haven’t received one?
    Go to the information pillar near the gates and push the blue Info button. A member of staff you speak to will be happy to help you. You can also ask a member of the customer service personnel if there is one at the station.
  • Are you travelling with a group on Eurostar to Belgium/France with a homeprint-ticket and does your journey begin or end at Amsterdam Centraal or Rotterdam Centraal?
    For each group member, you as the group leader hold the square barcode on the mobile ticket against the lit panel to the right of the gates. The gates will open. Your fellow traveller can now enter or leave the station. You will be the last person to pass through the gates. If you experience problems, go to the information pillar to the right of the gates and push the blue Info button. A member of staff you speak to will be happy to help you. You can also ask a member of the customer service personnel if there is one at the station. They will help you and your travel company pass through the gates.

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