Where can I submit a complaint?

  • Submit a complaint
    • You can submit a complaint to NS International Customer Service through our contact form. Submit your complaint within 3 calendar months after the event to which your complaint relates. 
  • Additional information
    • See NS International's General Terms and Conditions for additional information about handling complaints.
    • You can also contact the Geschillencommissie Openbaar Vervoer [Public Transport Disputes Committee].
    • If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with, you can bring it before the European ODR Platform.
    • Each country in the EU has a regulatory authority, which supervises compliance with the European Regulation on Passengers' Rights and Obligations. In the Netherlands this is the ILENT (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport) [Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate], which can be contacted via ilent.nl.

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