Which platform does my train leave from?

  • If you enter your journey in the International booking module, you can see which platform your train leaves from. Not all departure platforms are known in advance, so look for the announcment signs at the station and listen to the spoken announcements (if any).
  • You can also download the free NS International app for Android and iOS. Enter your journey in the app and it will keep you informed about the journey, possible delays and platform changes.
    For a number of trains, you will be given revised travel advice if your connection fails.
  • Always allow enough time for changing trains. Make sure you are on the platform for your international train in due time.
    • We advise passengers for Eurostar to Belgium/France to be on the platform 20 minutes before the train departure time because of possible security checks.  
    • Are you travelling on Eurostar to London without changing trains in Brussels? Make sure you arrive at the UK-terminal (in Amsterdam) or the Eurostar Departures Terminal (in Rotterdam) well in time to have your ticket and luggage checked and to go through both passport controls. The UK-terminal and Eurostar Departures Terminal close 30 minutes before Eurostar departs.

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