DB - ÖBB - Italy day trains » General Information

What is DB - ÖBB - Italy day trains
DB-ÖBB-Italy day trains are international day trains between Germany and Austria via Brennero border to North Italy.
  • Eurocity-trains Munich ⇔ Innsbruck ⇔ Bolzano ⇔ Verona ⇔ Bologna or Venice.
  • Railjet Express trains Vienna ⇔ Innsbruck ⇔ Bolzano.
  • Railjet Vienna ⇔ Venice: Vienna ⇔ Villach ⇔ Udine ⇔ Venice.
Seat reservations 
  • First and second-class seats are available. 
  • A seat reservation is not required on the route within Germany and Austria.
  • As soon as an Italian route occurs in your journey, you must purchase a ticket including a seat reservation.
  • Passengers are responsible for their own luggage. 
  • Passengers must be able to carry their luggage themselves. 
  • The luggage must not obstruct others. 
  • There is no Wi-Fi onboard.
Bar coach  
  • Bar/buffet coach available. 
Children/young people  
  • Conditions depend on the route and ticket
    • If you are travelling on a route where you require a market-price ticket
      • Children aged up to 5 travel free of charge provided they do not occupy a seat of their own. If they do occupy a seat of their own, they pay the children's fare. 
      • There is no special discount for young people aged 15 and over. 
      • Children aged 6 to 14 always travel at the children's fare. 
    • If you are travelling on a route for which you require a ticket with product range NVS, NVS fares and conditions apply.
Travelling with a disability  
  • Wheelchair spaces are available. 
  • NS International does not sell special market-price fares for passengers with a disability. However, there are special tickets for passengers acting as companions. 
  • Maximum wheelchair dimensions: 85 x 70 cm (l x w). 
  • Assistance dogs, on a leash and registered, are allowed and travel free of charge. 
Travelling with a bicycle  
  • Each person may take one regular bicycle with them on the train. 
  • Special bicycles such as reclining bicycles, tandems, three-wheel bicycles and bicycles with trailers are not allowed. 
  • Packed bicycles (both dismantled and not dismantled) are not allowed.
Travelling with pets  
  • Pets can be taken as long as they are transported in a basket or bag of maximum of 70 x 50 x 30 cm.  
  • Larger dogs may also be taken, provided they are on a leash and muzzled. A ticket must be purchased on board the train or on site at the ticket office.
  • Pets are not allowed in the bar section. 

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