Eurocity Direct/EuroCity » Travelling with children
General terms and conditions
Children must hold a valid passport or identity card in their own name.
Children must have all the required visas or other immigration documents for the countries they are travelling through.
Children travelling alone or with an adult who is not their parent or legal guardian must present written evidence that their parents give consent for the journey.
Here you will also find an example of the consent form Travelling abroad with a minor, which can also be used for a child travelling alone.
The form is an aid, and parents or guardians can also draft a letter themselves in which they give consent.
Conditions per age group Aged up to 3
Travel for free accompanied by an adult provided they do not occupy a seat of their own.
Aged 4 to 5 (inclusive)
Must at all times be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over (no family connection necessary).
Travel for free accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over (no family relationship necessary) if you purchased the ticket from an NS International sales point.
Please note: These free tickets are not available from NS ticket machines or from NS service desks. You pay € 2.50 there.
One adult may accompany a maximum of four children.
Aged 6 to 11 (inclusive)
Travel for free accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over (no family relationship necessary) if you purchased the ticket from an NS International sales point.
Please note: These free tickets are not available from NS ticket machines or from NS service desks. You pay € 2.50 there.
One adult may accompany a maximum of four children.
Children aged 6 or over may travel unaccompanied if they carry written proof of consent from the parent or legal guardian.
Please note: There is not supervision or accompaniment on the train. Responsibility rests with the parents.
Unaccompanied children receive a 50% discount on the standard fare for adults in the Netherlands and 40% on the standard fare for adults in Belgium with a minimum of € 2.50 in 2nd class and € 3.30 in 1st class.
Aged 12 to 25 (inclusive)
For youths on Eurocity Direct/EuroCity.
What next
You can buy tickets for Eurocity Direct/EuroCity from the following points of sale:
You do not pay any booking fees if you book online at
NS International Customer service: +31 30 2300023 (daily from 7.00 to 23.00 hrs)