Eurocity Direct/EuroCity » Travelling with a disability
There is no special fare for passengers with a disability on Eurocity Direct/EuroCity; you travel at a regular fare.
Passengers with a disability who hold an OV-Begeleiderskaart may take an accompanying passenger and an assistance dog with them free of charge. For the accompanying passenger or assistance dog a ticket needs to be booked with the appropriate fare.
No distinction is made between passengers using a wheelchair and those with a different disability.
Assistance dogs are welcome.
You and your accompanying passenger travel the entire journey together.
You must be able to show your OV-Begeleiderskaart during the journey.
If you are travelling with an Interrail, Eurail, free travel ticket or country coupon for railway staff (tickets with a FIP discount is allowed), the companion does not travel for free, but at a regular fare.
Travelling with a wheelchair (electric or otherwise) or mobility scooter
The wheelchair spaces are located in the centre of the train, in first class and in second class.
In order to fit into the train, the lifts and the mobile ramps, the maximum outer dimensions of a wheelchair may not exceed 150 cm x 70 cm and 137,5 cm (height), including luggage.
You and your manual wheelchair jointly should weigh no more than 200 kg if you require NS Travel Assistance to push it up the mobile ramp to enter the train.
You and your electric wheelchair jointly should weigh no more than 300 kg.
Mobility aids with an internal combustion engine are not permitted in the train for safety reasons.
You must be able to enter and exit the train with your electric wheelchair or mobility scooter yourself via the access ramp.
Please keep in mind that you must be able to carry your own luggage.
Other appliances
Oxygen canisters are allowed with a medical certificate
Three-wheel, electric and reclining bicycles, tandems and Segways are permitted free of charge, under the following conditions:
There is room in the bicycle space (making a reservation is not possible). Placing these in wheelchair spaces is not permitted.
The maximum dimensions are 150 x 70 cm (l x w) and 137,5 cm (height), including luggage.
You are able to show one of the following passes during the journey:
Disabled person's parking pass
WMO transport pass (regional taxi)
Valys pass
Attach a disabled sticker on your bicycle/Segway. This sticker is available (for free) online and in various shops.
You can request assistance with getting on and off the train from NS Travel Assistance.
Requests for assistance during an international journey should be submitted at least 24 hours before departure of the train.
Travel Assistance is not available for every station in Belgium. You can find a list of stations with Travel Assistance in Belgium at NMBS.
Wheelchairs spaces cannot be reserved on Eurocity Direct/EuroCity.