What is the (Super)Saver fare and where is it available?

  • (Super)Saver is an economy fare for travelling with Eurocity Direct/EuroCity to Belgium and Luxembourg that can be bought in advance. 
  • The (Super)Saver fare is only valid on Eurocity Direct/EuroCity for the chosen time and date as indicated on the ticket.
  • The (Super)Saver fare has limited availability.
  • (Super)Saver fares are available up to and including the travel date.
    • Exchange is possible without a fee up to 1 day before departure.
    • Cancellation is possible up to 1 day before departure with a € 5 cancellation fee per single ticket. After that no refunds are possible.
  • The  (Super)Saver fare is available at at NSInternational.nl, at NS International counters in the Service Shops and from NS International Customer service on +31 30 - 2300023 (daily between 7.00 and 23.00 hrs).
    • Please note! The (Super)Saver fare is not for sale from NS ticket machines or NS-service desks.

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